Release Day is Nigh!
Hello adventurers!
We’re almost there! Release day is tomorrow! I am just completely floored with the response SWORD OF HAILSTONE has received. I…. I’m in shock, really. I have a lot to be thankful for, really. I truly hope that the entirety of the album is something everyone enjoys as much as I enjoyed putting it together.
I wanted to give one final update before the cassettes and app go out the door.
⚠️There are forty pre-order black cassettes left. ⚠️I will not be producing a third run any time soon. So, if you want one, now’s the time to act.
Get a Cassette at Bandcamp
This may be overkill, but I want to make sure we are all on the same page regarding the release schedule and when you should expect products and releases.
May 7th - That’s tomorrow, the album is released on Bandcamp and streaming services.
May 15th - SWORD OF HAILSTONE companion app will be available on the App Store and Google Play
May 17th - Physical product ships*. I have over 100 packages going out and it’s my first time shipping such a large amount of product at once, so I’m not sure what to expect except that pizza will be involved as well as a Nic Cage marathon going on in the background. It’s very likely I will start shipping some product earlier (White cassettes and minidiscs, particularily).
* I’m still waiting for the black cassettes to ship to me from production. Not sure what the hold up is. I will be in contact with them today. I will let you all know what I find out.
Companion App
I started building the app at the beginning of April with a loose idea that I wanted to build a hex based dungeon crawl type thing. It’s been a hell of a lot of work, but it’s also been really fun to see it come together. You can slay giants, build a dope sword and defeat unspeakable evils.
Development, by-and-large, is complete. I’m wrapping up a few more illustrations, cinching up story and checking for spelling errors.
Out of the gate, there will be at least three band camp codes you can discover in the world by defeating baddies, corpse plundering and completing objectives.
What I am really excited for is the potential the app has for future updates. I plan on adding more band camp codes, more special weapons, more encounter types, more complex gameplay, and more Mörk Borgier situations and flavor.
As you play the app, it’s sort of an open world experience. There is definitely a main quest, but it’s up to you to explore and put the pieces together.
I personally don’t want to give away too many details on the adventure, but if it’s something you are interested in discussing with others, I have set up a Discord channel which players can discuss their findings.
Join the Official SoH Discord Server
Eternally Grateful
And that’s it! Once again, I really appreciate everyone’s interest in this project! I truly hope you enjoy the experience.
With love,
Nikolas Wolff